At least 40 Indians die in a fire at a building housing foreign workers in Kuwait (2024)

Wednesday, Jun 12, 2024 2:56 AMUpdated Wednesday, Jun. 12, 2024 1:03 PM

At least 40 Indians die in a fire at a building housing foreign workers in Kuwait (1)

Rescuers arrive at the site of a building that caught fire in Kuwait, Wednesday, June 12, 2024. At least 41 people died when a fire swept through a building that housed workers in Kuwait early Wednesday, and officials said the blaze appeared to be linked to code violations. (Kuwait TV via AP)

At least 40 Indians die in a fire at a building housing foreign workers in Kuwait (2)

Rescuers arrive at the site of a building that caught fire in Kuwait, Wednesday, June 12, 2024. At least 41 people died when a fire swept through a building that housed workers in Kuwait early Wednesday, and officials said the blaze appeared to be linked to code violations. (Kuwait TV via AP)

DUBAI, United Arab Emirates (AP) — A fire swept through a building that housed foreign workers in Kuwait early Wednesday, killing at least 40 Indian nationals and injuring more than 50, India's external affairs ministry said. Local officials said the blaze appeared to be linked to code violations.

Interior Minister Sheikh Fahad Al-Yousuf Al-Sabah confirmed the toll and ordered the arrest of the building’s owner during a visit to the site, local media reported.

“We will address the issue of labor overcrowding,” he said. "I’m now going to see what violations were committed here and I will deal with the owner of the property.”

Col. Sayed Hassan al-Mousawi, head of the firefighters' Accident Investigation Department, said there were dozens of casualties and that the final death toll may be higher.

India’s external affairs ministry said late Wednesday in a statement that “around 40 Indians are understood to have died and over 50 injured."

The injured are being treated in five government hospitals in Kuwait and receiving “proper medical care and attention,” the statement added. It said that India’s junior External Affairs Minister Kirti Vardhan Singh will be traveling to Kuwait to work toward early repatriation of mortal remains and provide medical assistance to those injured.

India's Prime Minister Narendra Modi offered condolences to the victims and said the Indian Embassy is “closely monitoring the situation and working with the authorities there to assist the affected.”

“The fire mishap in Kuwait City is saddening. My thoughts are with all those who have lost their near and dear ones. I pray that the injured recover at the earliest,” Modi wrote on X, formerly Twitter.

Kuwait, like other Persian Gulf countries, has a large community of migrant workers who far outnumber the local population. The nation of some 4.2 million people is slightly smaller than the U.S. state of New Jersey but has the world’s sixth-largest known oil reserves.

A fire at an oil refinery in 2022 killed four people.

At least 40 Indians die in a fire at a building housing foreign workers in Kuwait (3)

Rescuers arrive at the site of a building that caught fire in Kuwait, Wednesday, June 12, 2024. At least 41 people died when a fire swept through a building that housed workers in Kuwait early Wednesday, and officials said the blaze appeared to be linked to code violations. (Kuwait TV via AP)

At least 40 Indians die in a fire at a building housing foreign workers in Kuwait (4)

Rescuers arrive at the site of a building that caught fire in Kuwait, Wednesday, June 12, 2024. At least 41 people died when a fire swept through a building that housed workers in Kuwait early Wednesday, and officials said the blaze appeared to be linked to code violations. (Kuwait TV via AP)

At least 40 Indians die in a fire at a building housing foreign workers in Kuwait (5)

Rescuers arrive at the site of a building that caught fire in Kuwait, Wednesday, June 12, 2024. At least 41 people died when a fire swept through a building that housed workers in Kuwait early Wednesday, and officials said the blaze appeared to be linked to code violations. (Kuwait TV via AP)

At least 40 Indians die in a fire at a building housing foreign workers in Kuwait (6)

Rescuers arrive at the site of a building that caught fire in Kuwait, Wednesday, June 12, 2024. At least 41 people died when a fire swept through a building that housed workers in Kuwait early Wednesday, and officials said the blaze appeared to be linked to code violations. (Kuwait TV via AP)

At least 40 Indians die in a fire at a building housing foreign workers in Kuwait (7)

Rescuers arrive at the site of a building that caught fire in Kuwait, Wednesday, June 12, 2024. At least 41 people died when a fire swept through a building that housed workers in Kuwait early Wednesday, and officials said the blaze appeared to be linked to code violations. (Kuwait TV via AP)

At least 40 Indians die in a fire at a building housing foreign workers in Kuwait (8)

Rescuers arrive at the site of a building that caught fire in Kuwait, Wednesday, June 12, 2024. At least 41 people died when a fire swept through a building that housed workers in Kuwait early Wednesday, and officials said the blaze appeared to be linked to code violations. (Kuwait TV via AP)

At least 40 Indians die in a fire at a building housing foreign workers in Kuwait (2024)


How many Indians were killed in the Kuwait fire? ›

In Short. The death toll in the massive fire that engulfed a six-storey building in Kuwait early on Wednesday reached 49, while more than 50 others were injured. Kuwaiti authorities have identified the bodies of 45 Indians and three Filipino nationals killed.

How many people died in the Kuwait oil fires? ›

At least 40 Indians are among 50 people killed in a fire at a residential building in the Kuwaiti city of Mangaf, India's foreign ministry has said. The fire broke out on Wednesday in a building where dozens of workers stayed.

What caused the Kuwait building fire? ›

A fire in a Kuwaiti building housing 195 migrant workers, mostly Indians, led to 45 Indian fatalities. The blaze, caused by an electrical short circuit, was attributed to safety violations. PM Modi expressed sorrow and announced relief.

How many Indians were stuck in Kuwait? ›

More than 170,000 Indians were stranded on Kuwaiti soil.

How many Indians were killed? ›

European settlers killed 56 million indigenous people over about 100 years in South, Central and North America, causing large swaths of farmland to be abandoned and reforested, researchers at University College London, or UCL, estimate.

Are the oil fields in Kuwait still burning? ›

An international coalition of firefighters battled the fires for months until the last well was finally capped on 6 November 1991 and Kuwait celebrated under clear skies. But today more than 90% of the unprotected contaminated soil remains exposed in the environment.

Who started the oil fires in Kuwait? ›

As early as December 1990, Iraqi forces placed explosive charges on Kuwaiti oil wells. The wells were systematically sabotaged beginning on January 16, 1991, when the allies commenced air strikes against Iraqi targets.

What country has the most fire deaths? ›

With 12.4 deaths per million population, the United States rate of fire deaths was much smaller than that of Finland, the nation with the highest death rate, record- ing 18.0 deaths per million population.

How long did the Kuwait fires burn? ›

In 1991, Landsat captured the devastating environmental consequences of war. As Iraqi forces withdrew from Kuwait, they set fire to more 650 oil wells and damaged roughly 75 more, which then spewed crude oil across the desert and into the Persian Gulf. Fires burned for ten months.

What is the Kuwait tragedy? ›

The death toll of Indians killed in the massive fire in Kuwait has risen to 46 with one more person succumbing to injuries as authorities said that an electrical short circuit in the room of the guard on the ground floor of the building caused the blaze that killed 50 people.

How was the Kuwaiti oil fires cleaned up? ›

Eventually, privately contracted crews extinguished the fires, at a total cost of $1.5 billion to Kuwait. About 90% of fires were put out with nothing but seawater: damaged oil pipelines were repaired and the flow was reversed to pump Persian Gulf seawater back to the burning oil wells.

How many Americans died in the invasion of Kuwait? ›

Casualties, Kuwaiti oil fires, and Gulf War syndrome

Just 147 U.S. personnel and 47 British troops were killed in action; for the duration of Operations Desert Shield and Desert Storm, U.S. noncombat deaths actually exceeded combat fatalities in the Kuwaiti theatre. Approximately 1,000 coalition troops were wounded.

Who started the fires of Kuwait? ›

An Environmental and Economic Disaster

As the first Gulf War drew to a close in February of 1991, retreating Iraqi forces systematically blew up oil wells, tanks, refineries, and other facilities in Kuwait. According to some estimates, the resulting fires burned four to six million barrels of crude oil per day.

Who saved Kuwait from Iraq? ›

In 1991, the United States led a UN coalition to liberate Kuwait from Iraq.


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